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Adam's needle

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Yucca \Yuc"ca\, n. [NL., from Yuca, its name in St. Domingo.]
   A genus of American liliaceous, sometimes arborescent, plants
   having long, pointed, and often rigid, leaves at the top of a
   more or less woody stem, and bearing a large panicle of showy
   white blossoms.

   Note: The species with more rigid leaves (as {Yucca
         aloifolia}, {Y. Treculiana}, and {Y. baccata}) are
         called {Spanish bayonet}, and one with softer leaves
         ({Y. filamentosa}) is called {bear grass}, and {Adam's

   {Yucca moth} (Zo["o]l.), a small silvery moth ({Pronuba
      yuccasella}) whose larv[ae] feed on plants of the genus

Adam \Ad"am\, n.
   1. The name given in the Bible to the first man, the
      progenitor of the human race.

   2. (As a symbol) ``Original sin;'' human frailty.

            And whipped the offending Adam out of him. --Shak.

   {Adam's ale}, water. [Coll.]

   {Adam's apple}.

   1. (Bot.)
      (a) A species of banana ({Musa paradisiaca}). It attains a
          height of twenty feet or more. --Paxton.
      (b) A species of lime ({Citris limetta}).

   2. The projection formed by the thyroid cartilage in the
      neck. It is particularly prominent in males, and is so
      called from a notion that it was caused by the forbidden
      fruit (an apple) sticking in the throat of our first

   {Adam's flannel} (Bot.), the mullein ({Verbascum thapsus}).

   {Adam's needle} (Bot.), the popular name of a genus ({Yucca})
      of liliaceous plants.

Source : WordNet®

Adam's needle
     n : yucca with long stiff leaves having filamentlike appendages
         [syn: {Adam's needle-and-thread}, {spoonleaf yucca}, {needle
         palm}, {Yucca filamentosa}]
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