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Apostolical succession

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Succession \Suc*ces"sion\, n. [L. successio: cf. F. succession.
   See {Succeed}.]
   1. The act of succeeding, or following after; a following of
      things in order of time or place, or a series of things so
      following; sequence; as, a succession of good crops; a
      succession of disasters.

   2. A series of persons or things according to some
      established rule of precedence; as, a succession of kings,
      or of bishops; a succession of events in chronology.

            He was in the succession to an earldom. --Macaulay.

   3. An order or series of descendants; lineage; race; descent.
      ``A long succession must ensue.'' --Milton.

   4. The power or right of succeeding to the station or title
      of a father or other predecessor; the right to enter upon
      the office, rank, position, etc., held ny another; also,
      the entrance into the office, station, or rank of a
      predecessor; specifically, the succeeding, or right of
      succeeding, to a throne.

            You have the voice of the king himself for your
            succession in Denmark.                --Shak.

            The animosity of these factions did not really arise
            from the dispute about the succession. --Macaulay.

   5. The right to enter upon the possession of the property of
      an ancestor, or one near of kin, or one preceding in an
      established order.

   6. The person succeeding to rank or office; a successor or
      heir. [R.] --Milton.

   {Apostolical succession}. (Theol.) See under {Apostolical}.

   {Succession duty}, a tax imposed on every succession to
      property, according to its value and the relation of the
      person who succeeds to the previous owner.

Apostolic \Ap`os*tol"ic\, Apostolical \Ap`os*tol"ic*al\, a. [L.
   apostolicus, Gr. ?: cf. F. apostolique.]
   1. Pertaining to an apostle, or to the apostles, their times,
      or their peculiar spirit; as, an apostolical mission; the
      apostolic age.

   2. According to the doctrines of the apostles; delivered or
      taught by the apostles; as, apostolic faith or practice.

   3. Of or pertaining to the pope or the papacy; papal.

   {Apostolical brief}. See under {Brief}.

   {Apostolic canons}, a collection of rules and precepts
      relating to the duty of Christians, and particularly to
      the ceremonies and discipline of the church in the second
      and third centuries.

   {Apostolic church}, the Christian church; -- so called on
      account of its apostolic foundation, doctrine, and order.
      The churches of Rome, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem
      were called apostolic churches.

   {Apostolic constitutions}, directions of a nature similar to
      the apostolic canons, and perhaps compiled by the same
      authors or author.

   {Apostolic fathers}, early Christian writers, who were born
      in the first century, and thus touched on the age of the
      apostles. They were Polycarp, Clement, Ignatius, and
      Hermas; to these Barnabas has sometimes been added.

   {Apostolic king} (or {majesty}), a title granted by the pope
      to the kings of Hungary on account of the extensive
      propagation of Christianity by St. Stephen, the founder of
      the royal line. It is now a title of the emperor of
      Austria in right of the throne of Hungary.

   {Apostolic see}, a see founded and governed by an apostle;
      specifically, the Church of Rome; -- so called because, in
      the Roman Catholic belief, the pope is the successor of
      St. Peter, the prince of the apostles, and the only
      apostle who has successors in the apostolic office.

   {Apostolical succession}, the regular and uninterrupted
      transmission of ministerial authority by a succession of
      bishops from the apostles to any subsequent period.
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