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Applied chemistry

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Apply \Ap*ply"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Applied}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   {Applying}.] [OF. aplier, F. appliquer, fr. L. applicare to
   join, fix, or attach to; ad + plicare to fold, to twist
   together. See {Applicant}, {Ply}.]
   1. To lay or place; to put or adjust (one thing to another);
      -- with to; as, to apply the hand to the breast; to apply
      medicaments to a diseased part of the body.

            He said, and the sword his throat applied. --Dryden.

   2. To put to use; to use or employ for a particular purpose,
      or in a particular case; to appropriate; to devote; as, to
      apply money to the payment of a debt.

   3. To make use of, declare, or pronounce, as suitable,
      fitting, or relative; as, to apply the testimony to the
      case; to apply an epithet to a person.

            Yet God at last To Satan, first in sin, his doom
            applied.                              --Milton.

   4. To fix closely; to engage and employ diligently, or with
      attention; to attach; to incline.

            Apply thine heart unto instruction.   --Prov. xxiii.

   5. To direct or address. [R.]

            Sacred vows . . . applied to grisly Pluto. --Pope.

   6. To betake; to address; to refer; -- used reflexively.

            I applied myself to him for help.     --Johnson.

   7. To busy; to keep at work; to ply. [Obs.]

            She was skillful in applying his ``humors.'' --Sir
                                                  P. Sidney.

   8. To visit. [Obs.]

            And he applied each place so fast.    --Chapman.

   {Applied chemistry}. See under {Chemistry}.

   {Applied mathematics}. See under {Mathematics}.

Chemistry \Chem"is*try\ (k[e^]m"[i^]s*tr[y^]; 277), n. [From
   {Chemist}. See {Alchemy}.]
   1. That branch of science which treats of the composition of
      substances, and of the changes which they undergo in
      consequence of alterations in the constitution of the
      molecules, which depend upon variations of the number,
      kind, or mode of arrangement, of the constituent atoms.
      These atoms are not assumed to be indivisible, but merely
      the finest grade of subdivision hitherto attained.
      Chemistry deals with the changes in the composition and
      constitution of molecules. See {Atom}, {Molecule}.

   Note: Historically, chemistry is an outgrowth of alchemy (or
         alchemistry), with which it was anciently identified.

   2. An application of chemical theory and method to the
      consideration of some particular subject; as, the
      chemistry of iron; the chemistry of indigo.

   3. A treatise on chemistry.

   Note: This word and its derivatives were formerly written
         with y, and sometimes with i, instead of e, in the
         first syllable, chymistry, chymist, chymical, etc., or
         chimistry, chimist, chimical, etc.; and the
         pronunciation was conformed to the orthography.

   {Inorganic chemistry}, that which treats of inorganic or
      mineral substances.

   {Organic chemistry}, that which treats of the substances
      which form the structure of organized beings and their
      products, whether animal or vegetable; -- called also
      {chemistry of the carbon compounds}. There is no
      fundamental difference between organic and inorganic

   {Physiological chemistry}, the chemistry of the organs and
      tissues of the body, and of the various physiological
      processes incident to life.

   {Practical chemistry}, or {Applied chemistry}, that which
      treats of the modes of manufacturing the products of
      chemistry that are useful in the arts, of their
      applications to economical purposes, and of the conditions
      essential to their best use.

   {Pure chemistry}, the consideration of the facts and theories
      of chemistry in their purely scientific relations, without
      necessary reference to their practical applications or
      mere utility.
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