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Arabian millet

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Johnson grass \John"son grass`\ [Named after W. Johnson of
   Alabama, who planted it about 1840-1845.] (Bot.)
   A tall perennial grass ({Sorghum Halepense}), valuable in the
   Southern and Western States for pasture and hay. The
   rootstocks are large and juicy and are eagerly sought by
   swine. Called also {Cuba grass}, {Means grass}, {Evergreen
   millet}, and {Arabian millet}.


   {Arabian millet} is {Sorghum Halepense}.

   {Egyptian or East Indian},

   {millet} is {Penicillaria spicata}.

   {Indian millet} is {Sorghum vulgare}. (See under {Indian}.)

   {Italian millet} is {Setaria Italica}, a coarse, rank-growing
      annual grass, valuable for fodder when cut young, and
      bearing nutritive seeds; -- called also {Hungarian grass}.

   {Texas millet} is {Panicum Texanum}.

   {Wild millet}, or

   {Millet grass}, is {Milium effusum}, a tail grass growing in
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