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Aralia trifolia

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Groundnut \Ground"nut`\ (-n[u^]t`), n. (Bot.)
   (a) The fruit of the {Arachis hypog[ae]a} (native country
       uncertain); the peanut; the earthnut.
   (b) A leguminous, twining plant ({Apios tuberosa}), producing
       clusters of dark purple flowers and having a root
       tuberous and pleasant to the taste.
   (c) The dwarf ginseng ({Aralia trifolia}). [U. S.] --Gray.
   (d) A European plant of the genus {Bunium} ({B. flexuosum}),
       having an edible root of a globular shape and sweet,
       aromatic taste; -- called also {earthnut}, {earth
       chestnut}, {hawknut}, and {pignut}. [1913 Webster]
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