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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Arbutus \Ar"bu*tus\, Arbute \Ar"bute\, n. [L. arbutus, akin to
   arbor tree.]
   The strawberry tree, a genus of evergreen shrubs, of the
   Heath family. It has a berry externally resembling the
   strawberry; the arbute tree.

   {Trailing arbutus} (Bot.), a creeping or trailing plant of
      the Heath family ({Epig[ae]a repens}), having white or
      usually rose-colored flowers with a delicate fragrance,
      growing in small axillary clusters, and appearing early in
      the spring; in New England known as {mayflower}; -- called
      also {ground laurel}. --Gray.
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