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Bear caterpillar

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Bear \Bear\, n. [OE. bere, AS. bera; akin to D. beer, OHG. bero,
   pero, G. b["a]r, Icel. & Sw. bj["o]rn, and possibly to L.
   fera wild beast, Gr. ? beast, Skr. bhalla bear.]
   1. (Zo["o]l.) Any species of the genus Ursus, and of the
      closely allied genera. Bears are plantigrade Carnivora,
      but they live largely on fruit and insects.

   Note: The European brown bear ({U. arctos}), the white polar
         bear ({U. maritimus}), the grizzly bear ({U.
         horribilis}), the American black bear, and its variety
         the cinnamon bear ({U. Americanus}), the Syrian bear
         ({Ursus Syriacus}), and the sloth bear, are among the
         notable species.

   2. (Zo["o]l.) An animal which has some resemblance to a bear
      in form or habits, but no real affinity; as, the woolly
      bear; ant bear; water bear; sea bear.

   3. (Astron.) One of two constellations in the northern
      hemisphere, called respectively the {Great Bear} and the
      {Lesser Bear}, or {Ursa Major} and {Ursa Minor}.

   4. Metaphorically: A brutal, coarse, or morose person.

   5. (Stock Exchange) A person who sells stocks or securities
      for future delivery in expectation of a fall in the

   Note: The bears and bulls of the Stock Exchange, whose
         interest it is, the one to depress, and the other to
         raise, stocks, are said to be so called in allusion to
         the bear's habit of pulling down, and the bull's of
         tossing up.

   6. (Mach.) A portable punching machine.

   7. (Naut.) A block covered with coarse matting; -- used to
      scour the deck.

   {Australian bear}. (Zo["o]l.) See {Koala}.

   {Bear baiting}, the sport of baiting bears with dogs.

   {Bear caterpillar} (Zo["o]l.), the hairy larva of a moth,
      esp. of the genus {Euprepia}.

   {Bear garden}.
      (a) A place where bears are kept for diversion or
      (b) Any place where riotous conduct is common or
          permitted. --M. Arnold.

   {Bear leader}, one who leads about a performing bear for
      money; hence, a facetious term for one who takes charge of
      a young man on his travels.
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