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Before the wind

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Wind \Wind\ (w[i^]nd, in poetry and singing often w[imac]nd;
   277), n. [AS. wind; akin to OS., OFries., D., & G. wind, OHG.
   wint, Dan. & Sw. vind, Icel. vindr, Goth winds, W. gwynt, L.
   ventus, Skr. v[=a]ta (cf. Gr. 'ah`ths a blast, gale, 'ah^nai
   to breathe hard, to blow, as the wind); originally a p. pr.
   from the verb seen in Skr. v[=a] to blow, akin to AS.
   w[=a]wan, D. waaijen, G. wehen, OHG. w[=a]en, w[=a]jen, Goth.
   waian. [root]131. Cf. {Air}, {Ventail}, {Ventilate},
   {Window}, {Winnow}.]
   1. Air naturally in motion with any degree of velocity; a
      current of air.

            Except wind stands as never it stood, It is an ill
            wind that turns none to good.         --Tusser.

            Winds were soft, and woods were green. --Longfellow.

   2. Air artificially put in motion by any force or action; as,
      the wind of a cannon ball; the wind of a bellows.

   3. Breath modulated by the respiratory and vocal organs, or
      by an instrument.

            Their instruments were various in their kind, Some
            for the bow, and some for breathing wind. --Dryden.

   4. Power of respiration; breath.

            If my wind were but long enough to say my prayers, I
            would repent.                         --Shak.

   5. Air or gas generated in the stomach or bowels; flatulence;
      as, to be troubled with wind.

   6. Air impregnated with an odor or scent.

            A pack of dogfish had him in the wind. --Swift.

   7. A direction from which the wind may blow; a point of the
      compass; especially, one of the cardinal points, which are
      often called the four winds.

            Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon
            these slain.                          --Ezek.
                                                  xxxvii. 9.

   Note: This sense seems to have had its origin in the East.
         The Hebrews gave to each of the four cardinal points
         the name of wind.

   8. (Far.) A disease of sheep, in which the intestines are
      distended with air, or rather affected with a violent
      inflammation. It occurs immediately after shearing.

   9. Mere breath or talk; empty effort; idle words.

            Nor think thou with wind Of airy threats to awe.

   10. (Zo["o]l.) The dotterel. [Prov. Eng.]

   Note: Wind is often used adjectively, or as the first part of
         compound words.

   {All in the wind}. (Naut.) See under {All}, n.

   {Before the wind}. (Naut.) See under {Before}.

   {Between wind and water} (Naut.), in that part of a ship's
      side or bottom which is frequently brought above water by
      the rolling of the ship, or fluctuation of the water's
      surface. Hence, colloquially, (as an injury to that part
      of a vessel, in an engagement, is particularly dangerous)
      the vulnerable part or point of anything.

   {Cardinal winds}. See under {Cardinal}, a.

   {Down the wind}.
       (a) In the direction of, and moving with, the wind; as,
           birds fly swiftly down the wind.
       (b) Decaying; declining; in a state of decay. [Obs.] ``He
           went down the wind still.'' --L'Estrange.

   {In the wind's eye} (Naut.), directly toward the point from
      which the wind blows.

   {Three sheets in the wind}, unsteady from drink. [Sailors'

Before \Be*fore"\, prep. [OE. beforen, biforen, before, AS.
   beforan; pref. be- + foran, fore, before. See {Be-}, and
   1. In front of; preceding in space; ahead of; as, to stand
      before the fire; before the house.

            His angel, who shall go Before them in a cloud and
            pillar of fire.                       --Milton.

   2. Preceding in time; earlier than; previously to; anterior
      to the time when; -- sometimes with the additional idea of
      purpose; in order that.

            Before Abraham was, I am.             --John viii.

            Before this treatise can become of use, two points
            are necessary.                        --Swift.

   Note: Formerly before, in this sense, was followed by that.
         ``Before that Philip called thee . . . I saw thee.''
         --John i. 48.

   3. An advance of; farther onward, in place or time.

            The golden age . . . is before us.    --Carlyle.

   4. Prior or preceding in dignity, order, rank, right, or
      worth; rather than.

            He that cometh after me is preferred before me.
                                                  --John i. 15.

            The eldest son is before the younger in succession.

   5. In presence or sight of; face to face with; facing.

            Abraham bowed down himself before the people. --Gen.
                                                  xxiii. 12.

            Wherewith shall I come before the Lord? --Micah vi.

   6. Under the cognizance or jurisdiction of.

            If a suit be begun before an archdeacon. --Ayliffe.

   7. Open for; free of access to; in the power of.

            The world was all before them where to choose.

   {Before the mast} (Naut.), as a common sailor, -- because the
      sailors live in the forecastle, forward of the foremast.

   {Before the wind} (Naut.), in the direction of the wind and
      by its impulse; having the wind aft.
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