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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Beguine \Be`guine"\, n. [F. b['e]guine; LL. beguina, beghina;
   fr. Lambert le B[`e]gue (the Stammerer) the founder of the
   order. (Du Cange.)]
   A woman belonging to one of the religious and charitable
   associations or communities in the Netherlands, and
   elsewhere, whose members live in beguinages and are not bound
   by perpetual vows.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: (Roman Catholic Church) a member of a lay sisterhood (one of
          several founded in the Netherlands in the 12th and 13th
          centuries); though not taking religious vows the sisters
          followed an austere life
     2: music written in the bolero rhythm of the beguine dance
     3: a ballroom dance that originated in the French West Indies;
        similar to the rumba
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