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C crista

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Brazil wood \Bra*zil" wood`\ [OE. brasil, LL. brasile (cf. Pg. &
   Sp. brasil, Pr. bresil, Pr. bresil); perh. from Sp. or Pg.
   brasa a live coal (cf. {Braze}, {Brasier}); or Ar. vars plant
   for dyeing red or yellow. This name was given to the wood
   from its color; and it is said that King Emanuel, of
   Portugal, gave the name Brazil to the country in South
   America on account of its producing this wood.]
   1. The wood of the oriental {C[ae]salpinia Sapan}; -- so
      called before the discovery of America.

   2. A very heavy wood of a reddish color, imported from Brazil
      and other tropical countries, for cabinet-work, and for
      dyeing. The best is the heartwood of {C[ae]salpinia
      echinata}, a leguminous tree; but other trees also yield
      it. An inferior sort comes from Jamaica, the timber of {C.
      Braziliensis} and {C. crista}. This is often distinguished
      as Braziletto, but the better kind is also frequently so
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