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Carmine red

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Carmine \Car"mine\, n. [F. carmin (cf. Sp. carmin, It.
   carminio), contr. from LL. carmesinus purple color. See
   1. A rich red or crimson color with a shade of purple.

   2. A beautiful pigment, or a lake, of this color, prepared
      from cochineal, and used in miniature painting.

   3. (Chem.) The essential coloring principle of cochineal,
      extracted as a purple-red amorphous mass. It is a
      glucoside and possesses acid properties; -- hence called
      also {carminic acid}.

   {Carmine red} (Chem.), a coloring matter obtained from
      carmine as a purple-red substance, and probably allied to
      the phthale["i]ns.
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