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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Declare \De*clare"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Declared}; p. pr. &
   vb. n. {Declaring}.] [F. d['e]clarer, from L. declarare; de +
   clarare to make clear, clarus, clear, bright. See {Clear}.]
   1. To make clear; to free from obscurity. [Obs.] ``To declare
      this a little.'' --Boyle.

   2. To make known by language; to communicate or manifest
      explicitly and plainly in any way; to exhibit; to publish;
      to proclaim; to announce.

            This day I have begot whom I declare My only Son.

            The heavens declare the glory of God. --Ps. xix. 1.

   3. To make declaration of; to assert; to affirm; to set
      forth; to avow; as, he declares the story to be false.

            I the Lord . . . declare things that are right.
                                                  --Isa. xlv.

   4. (Com.) To make full statement of, as goods, etc., for the
      purpose of paying taxes, duties, etc.

   {To declare off}, to recede from an agreement, undertaking,
      contract, etc.; to renounce.

   {To declare one's self}, to avow one's opinion; to show
      openly what one thinks, or which side he espouses.
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