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Dendroica maculosa

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Magnolia \Mag*no"li*a\, n. [NL. Named after Pierre Magnol,
   professor of botany at Montpellier, France, in the 17th
   century.] (Bot.)
   A genus of American and Asiatic trees, with aromatic bark and
   large sweet-scented whitish or reddish flowers.

   Note: {Magnolia grandiflora} has coriaceous shining leaves
         and very fragrant blossoms. It is common from North
         Carolina to Florida and Texas, and is one of the most
         magnificent trees of the American forest. The sweet bay
         ({M. glauca})is a small tree found sparingly as far
         north as Cape Ann. Other American species are {M.
         Umbrella}, {M. macrophylla}, {M. Fraseri}, {M.
         acuminata}, and {M. cordata}. {M. conspicua} and {M.
         purpurea} are cultivated shrubs or trees from Eastern
         Asia. {M. Campbellii}, of India, has rose-colored or
         crimson flowers.

   {Magnolia warbler} (Zo["o]l.), a beautiful North American
      wood warbler ({Dendroica maculosa}). The rump and under
      parts are bright yellow; the breast and belly are spotted
      with black; the under tail coverts are white; the crown is
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