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Derrick crane

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Derrick \Der"rick\, n. [Orig., a gallows, from a hangman named
   Derrick. The name is of Dutch origin; D. Diederik, Dierryk,
   prop. meaning, chief of the people; cf. AS. pe['o]dric, E.
   Theodoric, G. Dietrich. See {Dutch}, and {Rich}.]
   A mast, spar, or tall frame, supported at the top by stays or
   guys, with suitable tackle for hoisting heavy weights, as
   stones in building.

   {Derrick crane}, a combination of the derrick and the crane,
      having facility for hoisting and also for swinging the
      load horizontally.

Crane \Crane\ (kr[=a]n), n. [AS. cran; akin to D. & LG. craan,
   G. kranich, krahn (this in sense 2), Gr. ge`ranos, L. grus,
   W. & Armor. garan, OSlav. zerav[i^], Lith. gerve, Icel.
   trani, Sw. trana, Dan. trane. [root]24. Cf. {Geranium}.]
   1. (Zo["o]l.) A wading bird of the genus {Grus}, and allied
      genera, of various species, having a long, straight bill,
      and long legs and neck.

   Note: The common European crane is {Grus cinerea}. The
         sand-hill crane ({G. Mexicana}) and the whooping crane
         ({G. Americana}) are large American species. The
         Balearic or crowned crane is {Balearica pavonina}. The
         name is sometimes erroneously applied to the herons and

   2. A machine for raising and lowering heavy weights, and,
      while holding them suspended, transporting them through a
      limited lateral distance. In one form it consists of a
      projecting arm or jib of timber or iron, a rotating post
      or base, and the necessary tackle, windlass, etc.; -- so
      called from a fancied similarity between its arm and the
      neck of a crane See Illust. of {Derrick}.

   3. An iron arm with horizontal motion, attached to the side
      or back of a fireplace, for supporting kettles, etc., over
      a fire.

   4. A siphon, or bent pipe, for drawing liquors out of a cask.

   5. (Naut.) A forked post or projecting bracket to support
      spars, etc., -- generally used in pairs. See {Crotch}, 2.

   {Crane fly} (Zo["o]l.), a dipterous insect with long legs, of
      the genus {Tipula}.

   {Derrick crane}. See {Derrick}.

   {Gigantic crane}. (Zo["o]l.) See {Adjutant}, n., 3.

   {Traveling crane}, {Traveler crane}, {Traversing crane}
      (Mach.), a crane mounted on wheels; esp., an overhead
      crane consisting of a crab or other hoisting apparatus
      traveling on rails or beams fixed overhead, as in a
      machine shop or foundry.

   {Water crane}, a kind of hydrant with a long swinging spout,
      for filling locomotive tenders, water carts, etc., with
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