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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Despond \De*spond"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Desponded}; p. pr. &
   vb. n. {Desponding}.] [L. despond[=e]re, desponsum, to
   promise away, promise in marriage, give up, to lose
   (courage); de- + spond[=e]re to promise solemnly. See
   To give up, the will, courage, or spirit; to be thoroughly
   disheartened; to lose all courage; to become dispirited or
   depressed; to take an unhopeful view.

         I should despair, or at least despond.   --Scott's

         Others depress their own minds, [and] despond at the
         first difficulty.                        --Locke.

         We wish that . . . desponding patriotism may turn its
         eyes hitherward, and be assured that the foundations of
         our national power still stand strong.   --D. Webster.

   Syn: {Despond}, {Dispair}.

   Usage: Despair implies a total loss of hope, which despond
          does not, at least in every case; yet despondency is
          often more lasting than despair, or than desperation,
          which impels to violent action.
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