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Dicentra cucullaria

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Dutchman \Dutch"man\, n.; pl. {Dutchmen}.
   A native, or one of the people, of Holland.

   {Dutchman's breeches} (Bot.), a perennial American herb
      ({Dicentra cucullaria}), with peculiar double-spurred
      flowers. See Illust. of {Dicentra}.

   {Dutchman's laudanum} (Bot.), a West Indian passion flower
      ({Passiflora Murucuja}); also, its fruit.

   {Dutchman's pipe} (Bot.), an American twining shrub
      ({Aristolochia Sipho}). Its flowers have their calyx tubes
      curved like a tobacco pipe.

Source : WordNet®

Dicentra cucullaria
     n : delicate spring-flowering plant of the eastern United States
         having double-spurred white flowers [syn: {Dutchman's
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