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Felis concolor

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Puma \Pu"ma\ (p[=u]"m[.a]), n. [Peruv. puma.] (Zo["o]l.)
   A large American carnivore ({Felis concolor}), found from
   Canada to Patagonia, especially among the mountains. Its
   color is tawny, or brownish yellow, without spots or stripes.
   Called also {catamount}, {cougar}, {American lion}, {mountain
   lion}, and {panther} or {painter}.

Cougar \Cou"gar\ (k??"g?r), n. [F. couguar, from the native name
   in the South American dialects, cuguacuara, cuguacuarana.]
   An American feline quadruped ({Felis concolor}), resembling
   the African panther in size and habits. Its color is tawny,
   without spots; hence writers often called it the {American
   lion}. Called also {puma}, {panther}, {mountain lion}, and
   {catamount}. See {Puma}.

Source : WordNet®

Felis concolor
     n : large American feline resembling a lion [syn: {cougar}, {puma},
          {catamount}, {mountain lion}, {painter}, {panther}]
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