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Female rhyme

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Rhyme \Rhyme\, n. [OE. ryme, rime, AS. r[=i]m number; akin to
   OHG. r[=i]m number, succession, series, G. reim rhyme. The
   modern sense is due to the influence of F. rime, which is of
   German origin, and originally the same word.] [The Old
   English spelling {rime} is becoming again common. See Note
   under {Prime}.]
   1. An expression of thought in numbers, measure, or verse; a
      composition in verse; a rhymed tale; poetry; harmony of
      language. ``Railing rhymes.'' --Daniel.

            A ryme I learned long ago.            --Chaucer.

            He knew Himself to sing, and build the lofty rime.

   2. (Pros.) Correspondence of sound in the terminating words
      or syllables of two or more verses, one succeeding another
      immediately or at no great distance. The words or
      syllables so used must not begin with the same consonant,
      or if one begins with a vowel the other must begin with a
      consonant. The vowel sounds and accents must be the same,
      as also the sounds of the final consonants if there be

            For rhyme with reason may dispense, And sound has
            right to govern sense.                --Prior.

   3. Verses, usually two, having this correspondence with each
      other; a couplet; a poem containing rhymes.

   4. A word answering in sound to another word.

   {Female rhyme}. See under {Female}.

   {Male rhyme}. See under {Male}.

   {Rhyme or reason}, sound or sense.

   {Rhyme royal} (Pros.), a stanza of seven decasyllabic verses,
      of which the first and third, the second, fourth, and
      fifth, and the sixth and seventh rhyme.
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