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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Ferry \Fer"ry\, n.; pl. {Ferries}. [OE. feri; akin to Icel.
   ferja, Sw. f["a]rja, Dan. f[ae]rge, G. f["a]hre. See {Ferry},
   v. t.]
   1. A place where persons or things are carried across a
      river, arm of the sea, etc., in a ferryboat.

            It can pass the ferry backward into light. --Milton.

            To row me o'er the ferry.             --Campbell.

   2. A vessel in which passengers and goods are conveyed over
      narrow waters; a ferryboat; a wherry.

   3. A franchise or right to maintain a vessel for carrying
      passengers and freight across a river, bay, etc., charging

   {Ferry bridge}, a ferryboat adapted in its structure for the
      transfer of railroad trains across a river or bay.

   {Ferry railway}. See under {Railway}.
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