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Ferula asafoetida

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Asafetida \As`a*fet"i*da\, Asafoetida \As`a*f[oe]t"i*da\, n.
   [Asa + L. foetidus fetid.]
   The fetid gum resin or inspissated juice of a large
   umbelliferous plant ({Ferula asaf[oe]tida}) of Persia and the
   East Indies. It is used in medicine as an antispasmodic.
   [Written also {assaf[oe]tida}.]

Ferulic \Fe*ru"lic\, a. (Chem.)
   Pertaining to, or derived from, asafetida ({Ferula
   asaf[oe]tida}); as, ferulic acid. [Written also {ferulaic}.]
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