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Ficus elastica

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

India \In"di*a\, n. [See {Indian}.]
   A country in Southern Asia; the two peninsulas of Hither and
   Farther India; in a restricted sense, Hither India, or

   {India ink}, a nearly black pigment brought chiefly from
      China, used for water colors. It is in rolls, or in
      square, and consists of lampblack or ivory black and
      animal glue. Called also {China ink}. The true India ink
      is sepia. See {Sepia}.

   {India matting}, floor matting made in China, India, etc.,
      from grass and reeds; -- also called {Canton, or China,

   {India paper}, a variety of Chinese paper, of smooth but not
      glossy surface, used for printing from engravings,
      woodcuts, etc.

   {India proof} (Engraving), a proof impression from an
      engraved plate, taken on India paper.

   {India rubber}. See {Caoutchouc}.

   {India-rubber tree} (Bot.), any tree yielding caoutchouc, but
      especially the East Indian {Ficus elastica}, often
      cultivated for its large, shining, elliptical leaves.

Source : WordNet®

Ficus elastica
     n : large tropical Asian tree frequently dwarfed as a
         houseplant; source of Assam rubber [syn: {India-rubber
         tree}, {India-rubber plant}, {India-rubber fig}, {rubber
         plant}, {Assam rubber}]
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