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Flameless lamp

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

   2. Figuratively, anything which enlightens intellectually or
      morally; anything regarded metaphorically a performing the
      uses of a lamp.

            Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my
            path.                                 --Ps. cxix.

            Ages elapsed ere Homer's lamp appeared. --Cowper.

   3. (Elec.) A device or mechanism for producing light by
      electricity. See {Incandescent lamp}, under

   {[AE]olipile lamp}, a hollow ball of copper containing
      alcohol which is converted into vapor by a lamp beneath,
      so as to make a powerful blowpipe flame when the vapor is
      ignited. --Weale.

   {Arc lamp} (Elec.), a form of lamp in which the voltaic arc
      is used as the source of light.

   {D["e]bereiner's lamp}, an apparatus for the instantaneous
      production of a flame by the spontaneous ignition of a jet
      of hydrogen on being led over platinum sponge; -- named
      after the German chemist D["o]bereiner, who invented it.
      Called also {philosopher's lamp}.

   {Flameless lamp}, an aphlogistic lamp.

   {Lamp burner}, the part of a lamp where the wick is exposed
      and ignited. --Knight.

   {Lamp fount}, a reservoir for oil, in a lamp.

   {Lamp jack}. See 2d {Jack}, n., 4
      (l) &
      (n) .

   {Lamp shade}, a screen, as of paper, glass, or tin, for
      softening or obstructing the light of a lamp.

   {Lamp shell} (Zo["o]l.), any brachiopod shell of the genus
      Terebratula and allied genera. The name refers to the
      shape, which is like that of an antique lamp. See

   {Safety lamp}, a miner's lamp in which the flame is
      surrounded by fine wire gauze, preventing the kindling of
      dangerous explosive gases; -- called also, from Sir
      Humphry Davy the inventor, {Davy lamp}.

   {To smell of the lamp}, to bear marks of great study and
      labor, as a literary composition.
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