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Fleece wool

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Fleece \Fleece\, n. [OE. flees, AS. fle['o]s; akin to D. flies,
   vlies .]
   1. The entire coat of wood that covers a sheep or other
      similar animal; also, the quantity shorn from a sheep, or
      animal, at one time.

            Who shore me Like a tame wether, all my precious
            fleece.                               --Milton.

   2. Any soft woolly covering resembling a fleece.

   3. (Manuf.) The fine web of cotton or wool removed by the
      doffing knife from the cylinder of a carding machine.

   {Fleece wool}, wool shorn from the sheep.

   {Golden fleece}. See under {Golden}.
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