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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Geography \Ge*og"ra*phy\, n.; pl. {Geographies}. [F.
   g['e]ographie, l. geographia, fr. Gr. ?; ge`a, gh^, the earth
   + ? description, fr. ? to write, describe. See {Graphic}.]
   1. The science which treats of the world and its inhabitants;
      a description of the earth, or a portion of the earth,
      including its structure, fetures, products, political
      divisions, and the people by whom it is inhabited.

   2. A treatise on this science.

   {Astronomical}, {or Mathematical}, geography treats of the
      earth as a planet, of its shape, its size, its lines of
      latitude and longitude, its zones, and the phenomena due
      to to the earth's diurnal and annual motions.

   {Physical geography} treats of the conformation of the
      earth's surface, of the distribution of land and water, of
      minerals, plants, animals, etc., and applies the
      principles of physics to the explanation of the
      diversities of climate, productions, etc.

   {Political geography} treats of the different countries into
      which earth is divided with regard to political and social
      and institutions and conditions.
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