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Helm port

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Helm \Helm\, n. [OE. helme, AS. helma rudder; akin to D. & G.
   helm, Icel. hj[=a]lm, and perh. to E. helve.]
   1. (Naut.) The apparatus by which a ship is steered,
      comprising rudder, tiller, wheel, etc.; -- commonly used
      of the tiller or wheel alone.

   2. The place or office of direction or administration. ``The
      helm of the Commonwealth.'' --Melmoth.

   3. One at the place of direction or control; a steersman;
      hence, a guide; a director.

            The helms o' the State, who care for you like
            fathers.                              --Shak.

   4. [Cf. {Helve}.] A helve. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.]

   {Helm amidships}, when the tiller, rudder, and keel are in
      the same plane.

   {Helm aport}, when the tiller is borne over to the port side
      of the ship.

   {Helm astarboard}, when the tiller is borne to the starboard

   {Helm alee}, {Helm aweather}, when the tiller is borne over
      to the lee or to the weather side.

   {Helm hard alee} or {hard aport}, {hard astarboard}, etc.,
      when the tiller is borne over to the extreme limit.

   {Helm port}, the round hole in a vessel's counter through
      which the rudderstock passes.

   {Helm down}, helm alee.

   {Helm up}, helm aweather.

   {To ease the helm}, to let the tiller come more amidships, so
      as to lessen the strain on the rudder.

   {To feel the helm}, to obey it.

   {To right the helm}, to put it amidships.

   {To shift the helm}, to bear the tiller over to the
      corresponding position on the opposite side of the vessel.
      --Ham. Nav. Encyc.
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