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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Herse \Herse\, v. t.
   Same as {Hearse}, v. t. --Chapman.

Herse \Herse\ (h[~e]rs), n. [F. herse harrow, portcullis, OF.
   herce, LL. hercia, L. hirpex, gen. hirpicis, and irpex, gen.
   irpicis, harrow. The LL. hercia signifies also a kind of
   candlestick in the form of a harrow, having branches filled
   with lights, and placed at the head of graves or cenotaphs;
   whence herse came to be used for the grave, coffin, or chest
   containing the dead. Cf. {Hearse}.]
   1. (Fort.) A kind of gate or portcullis, having iron bars,
      like a harrow, studded with iron spikes. It is hung above
      gateways so that it may be quickly lowered, to impede the
      advance of an enemy. --Farrow.

   2. See {Hearse}, a carriage for the dead.

   3. A funeral ceremonial. [Obs.] --Spenser.
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