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Heterograpsus nudus

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Shore \Shore\, n. [OE. schore, AS. score, probably fr. scieran,
   and so meaning properly, that which is shorn off, edge; akin
   to OD. schoore, schoor. See {Shear}, v. t.]
   The coast or land adjacent to a large body of water, as an
   ocean, lake, or large river.

         Michael Cassio, Lieutenant to the warlike Moor Othello,
         Is come shore.                           --Shak.

         The fruitful shore of muddy Nile.        --Spenser.

   {In shore}, near the shore. --Marryat.

   {On shore}. See under {On}.

   {Shore birds} (Zo["o]l.), a collective name for the various
      limicoline birds found on the seashore.

   {Shore crab} (Zo["o]l.), any crab found on the beaches, or
      between tides, especially any one of various species of
      grapsoid crabs, as {Heterograpsus nudus} of California.

   {Shore lark} (Zo["o]l.), a small American lark ({Otocoris
      alpestris}) found in winter, both on the seacoast and on
      the Western plains. Its upper parts are varied with dark
      brown and light brown. It has a yellow throat, yellow
      local streaks, a black crescent on its breast, a black
      streak below each eye, and two small black erectile ear
      tufts. Called also {horned lark}.

   {Shore plover} (Zo["o]l.), a large-billed Australian plover
      ({Esacus magnirostris}). It lives on the seashore, and
      feeds on crustaceans, etc.

   {Shore teetan} (Zo["o]l.), the rock pipit ({Anthus
      obscurus}). [Prov. Eng.]
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