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Hirrundo ariel

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Fairy \Fair"y\, a.
   1. Of or pertaining to fairies.

   2. Given by fairies; as, fairy money. --Dryden.

   {Fairy bird} (Zo["o]l.), the Euoropean little tern ({Sterna
      minuta}); -- called also {sea swallow}, and {hooded tern}.

   {Fairy bluebird}. (Zo["o]l.) See under {Bluebird}.

   {Fairy martin} (Zo["o]l.), a European swallow ({Hirrundo
      ariel}) that builds flask-shaped nests of mud on
      overhanging cliffs.

   {Fairy} {rings or circles}, the circles formed in grassy
      lawns by certain fungi (as {Marasmius Oreades}), formerly
      supposed to be caused by fairies in their midnight dances.

   {Fairy shrimp} (Zo["o]l.), a European fresh-water phyllopod
      crustacean ({Chirocephalus diaphanus}); -- so called from
      its delicate colors, transparency, and graceful motions.
      The name is sometimes applied to similar American species.

   {Fairy stone} (Paleon.), an echinite.
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