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Holocentrum Ascensione

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Squirrel \Squir"rel\ (skw[~e]r"r[~e]l or skw[i^]r"-; 277), n.
   [OE. squirel, OF. esquirel, escurel, F. ['e]cureuil, LL.
   squirelus, squirolus, scuriolus, dim. of L. sciurus, Gr.
   si`oyros; skia` shade + o'yra` tail. Cf. {Shine}, v. i.]
   1. (Zo["o]l.) Any one of numerous species of small rodents
      belonging to the genus {Sciurus} and several allied genera
      of the family {Sciurid[ae]}. Squirrels generally have a
      bushy tail, large erect ears, and strong hind legs. They
      are commonly arboreal in their habits, but many species
      live in burrows.

   Note: Among the common North American squirrels are the gray
         squirrel ({Scirius Carolinensis}) and its black
         variety; the fox, or cat, sqirrel ({S. cinereus}, or
         {S. niger}) which is a large species, and variable in
         color, the southern variety being frequently black,
         while the northern and western varieties are usually
         gray or rusty brown; the red squirrel (see
         {Chickaree}); the striped, or chipping, squirrel (see
         {Chipmunk}); and the California gray squirrel ({S.
         fossor}). Several other species inhabit Mexico and
         Central America. The common European species ({Sciurus
         vulgaris}) has a long tuft of hair on each ear. the
         so-called Australian squirrels are marsupials. See
         {Petaurist}, and {Phalanger}.

   2. One of the small rollers of a carding machine which work
      with the large cylinder.

   {Barking squirrel} (Zo["o]l.), the prairie dog.

   {Federation squirrel} (Zo["o]l.), the striped gopher. See
      {Gopher}, 2.

   {Flying squirrel} (Zo["o]l.). See {Flying squirrel}, in the

   {Java squirrel} (Zo["o]l.). See {Jelerang}.

   {Squirrel corn} (Bot.), a North American herb ({Dicantra
      Canadensis}) bearing little yellow tubers.

   {Squirrel cup} (Bot.), the blossom of the {Hepatica triloba},
      a low perennial herb with cup-shaped flowers varying from
      purplish blue to pink or even white. It is one of the
      earliest flowers of spring.

   {Squirrel fish} (Zo["o]l.)
      (a) A sea bass ({Serranus fascicularis}) of the Southern
          United States.
      (b) The sailor's choice ({Diplodus rhomboides}).
      (c) The redmouth, or grunt.
      (d) A market fish of Bermuda ({Holocentrum Ascensione}).

   {Squirrel grass} (Bot.), a pestiferous grass ({Hordeum
      murinum}) related to barley. In California the stiffly
      awned spiklets work into the wool of sheep, and into the
      throat, flesh, and eyes of animals, sometimes even
      producing death.

   {Squirrel hake} (Zo["o]l.), a common American hake ({Phycis
      tenuis}); -- called also {white hake}.

   {Squirrel hawk} (Zo["o]l.), any rough-legged hawk;
      especially, the California species {Archibuteo

   {Squirrel monkey}. (Zo["o]l.)
      (a) Any one of several species of small, soft-haired South
          American monkeys of the genus {Calithrix}. They are
          noted for their graceful form and agility. See
      (b) A marmoset.

   {Squirrel petaurus} (Zo["o]l.), a flying phalanger of
      Australia. See {Phalanger}, {Petaurist}, and {Flying
      phalanger} under {Flying}.

   {Squirrel shrew} (Zo["o]l.), any one of several species of
      East Indian and Asiatic insectivores of the genus
      {Tupaia}. They are allied to the shrews, but have a bushy
      tail, like that of a squirrel.

   {Squirrel-tail grass} (Bot.), a grass ({Hordeum jubatum})
      found in salt marshes and along the Great Lakes, having a
      dense spike beset with long awns.
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