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L auratum

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Lily \Lil"y\ (l[i^]l"[y^]), n.; pl. {Lilies} (-[i^]z). [AS.
   lilie, L. lilium, Gr. lei`rion. Cf. {Flower-de-luce}.]
   1. (Bot.) A plant and flower of the genus {Lilium},
      endogenous bulbous plants, having a regular perianth of
      six colored pieces, six stamens, and a superior
      three-celled ovary.

   Note: There are nearly fifty species, all found in the North
         Temperate zone. {Lilium candidum} and {L. longiflorum}
         are the common white lilies of gardens; {L.
         Philadelphicum} is the wild red lily of the Atlantic
         States; {L. Chalcedonicum} is supposed to be the ``lily
         of the field'' in our Lord's parable; {L. auratum} is
         the great gold-banded lily of Japan.

   2. (Bot.) A name given to handsome flowering plants of
      several genera, having some resemblance in color or form
      to a true lily, as {Pancratium}, {Crinum}, {Amaryllis},
      {Nerine}, etc.

   3. That end of a compass needle which should point to the
      north; -- so called as often ornamented with the figure of
      a lily or fleur-de-lis.

            But sailing further, it veers its lily to the west.
                                                  --Sir T.

   {African lily} (Bot.), the blue-flowered {Agapanthus

   {Atamasco lily} (Bot.), a plant of the genus {Zephyranthes}
      ({Z. Atamasco}), having a white and pink funnelform
      perianth, with six petal-like divisions resembling those
      of a lily. --Gray.

   {Blackberry lily} (Bot.), the {Pardanthus Chinensis}, the
      black seeds of which form a dense mass like a blackberry.

   {Bourbon lily} (Bot.), {Lilium candidum}. See Illust.

   {Butterfly lily}. (Bot.) Same as {Mariposa lily}, in the

   {Lily beetle} (Zool.), a European beetle ({Crioceris
      merdigera}) which feeds upon the white lily.

   {Lily daffodil} (Bot.), a plant of the genus {Narcissus}, and
      its flower.

   {Lily encrinite} (Paleon.), a fossil encrinite, esp.
      {Encrinus liliiformis}. See {Encrinite}.

   {Lily hyacinth} (Bot.), a plant of the genus {Hyacinthus}.

   {Lily iron}, a kind of harpoon with a detachable head of
      peculiar shape, used in capturing swordfish.
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