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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Lene \Lene\ (l[=e]n), v. t. [See {Lend}.]
   To lend; to grant; to permit. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

Lene \Le"ne\ (l[=e]"n[-e]), a. [L. lenis smooth.] (Phonetics)
   (a) Smooth; as, the lene breathing.
   (b) Applied to certain mute consonants, as p, k, and t (or
       Gr. [pi], [kappa], [tau]). --W. E. Jelf.

Lene \Le"ne\, n. (Phonetics)
   (a) The smooth breathing (spiritus lenis).
   (b) Any one of the lene consonants, as p, k, or t (or Gr.
       [pi], [kappa], [tau]). --W. E. Jelf.
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