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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Lepas \Le"pas\ (l[=e]"p[a^]s), n. [L., a limpet, fr. Gr.
   lepa`s.] (Zo["o]l.)
   Any one of various species of {Lepas}, a genus of
   pedunculated barnacles found attached to floating timber,
   bottoms of ships, Gulf weed, etc.; -- called also {goose
   barnacle}. See {Barnacle}.

Bernicle \Ber"ni*cle\, n. [OE. bernak, bernacle; cf. OF. bernac;
   prob. fr. LL. bernacula for hibernicula, bernicula, fr.
   Hibernia; the birds coming from Hibernia or Ireland. Cf. 1st
   A bernicle goose. [Written also {barnacle}.]

   {Bernicle goose} (Zo["o]l.), a goose ({Branta leucopsis}), of
      Arctic Europe and America. It was formerly believed that
      it hatched from the cirripeds of the sea ({Lepas}), which
      were, therefore, called barnacles, goose barnacles, or
      Anatifers. The name is also applied to other related
      species. See {Anatifa} and {Cirripedia}.

Source : WordNet®

     n : type genus of the family Lepadidae [syn: {genus Lepas}]
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