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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Lernaea \Ler*n[ae]"a\ (l[~e]r*n[=e]"[.a]), n. [NL., fr. L.
   Lernaeus Lern[ae]an, fr. Lerna, Gr. Le`rnh, a forest and
   marsh near Argos, the mythological abode of the hydra.]
   A Linn[ae]an genus of parasitic Entomostraca, -- the same as
   the family {Lern[ae]id[ae]}.

   Note: The genus is restricted by modern zo["o]logists to a
         limited number of species similar to {Lern[ae]a
         branchialis} found on the gills of the cod.
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