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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Levantine \Le*vant"ine\ (l[-e]*v[a^]nt"[i^]n or
   l[e^]v"ant*[imac]n; 277), a. [F. levantin, or It. levantino.
   See {Levant}, n.]
   Of or pertaining to the Levant. --J. Spencer.

Levantine \Le*vant"ine\, n.
   1. A native or inhabitant of the Levant.

   2. [F. levantine, or It. levantina.] A stout twilled silk
      fabric, formerly made in the Levant.

Source : WordNet®

     adj : of or relating to the Levant or its inhabitants; "the
           Levantine coast"
     n : (formerly) a native or inhabitant of the Levant
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