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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Res \Res\ (r?z), n.; pl. {Res}. [L.]
   A thing; the particular thing; a matter; a point.

   {Res gest[ae]} [L., things done] (Law), the facts which form
      the environment of a litigated issue. --Wharton.

   {Res judicata} [L.] (Law), a thing adjudicated; a matter no
      longer open to controversy.

Res \Res\ (r?z), n.; pl. {Res}. [L.]
   A thing; the particular thing; a matter; a point.

   {Res gest[ae]} [L., things done] (Law), the facts which form
      the environment of a litigated issue. --Wharton.

   {Res judicata} [L.] (Law), a thing adjudicated; a matter no
      longer open to controversy.

Source : WordNet®

     n : a widely distributed system consisting of all the cells able
         to ingest bacteria or colloidal particles etc, except for
         certain white blood cells [syn: {reticuloendothelial
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