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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Recognize \Rec"og*nize\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Recognized}; p.
   pr. & vb. n. {Recognizing}.] [From {Recognizance}; see
   {Cognition}, and cf. {Reconnoiter}.] [Written also
   1. To know again; to perceive the identity of, with a person
      or thing previously known; to recover or recall knowledge

            Speak, vassal; recognize thy sovereign queen.

   2. To avow knowledge of; to allow that one knows; to consent
      to admit, hold, or the like; to admit with a formal
      acknowledgment; as, to recognize an obligation; to
      recognize a consul.

   3. To acknowledge acquaintance with, as by salutation,
      bowing, or the like.

   4. To show appreciation of; as, to recognize services by a

   5. To review; to re["e]xamine. [Obs.] --South.

   6. To reconnoiter. [Obs.] --R. Monro.

   Syn: To acknowledge; avow; confess; own; allow; concede. See
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