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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Recommend \Rec`om*mend"\ (r?k`?m*m?nd"), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
   {Recommended}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Recommending}.] [Pref. re- +
   commend: cf. F. recommander.]
   1. To commend to the favorable notice of another; to commit
      to another's care, confidence, or acceptance, with
      favoring representations; to put in a favorable light
      before any one; to bestow commendation on; as, he
      recommended resting the mind and exercising the body.

            M[ae]cenas recommended Virgil and Horace to
            Augustus, whose praises . . . have made him precious
            to posterity.                         --Dryden.

   2. To make acceptable; to attract favor to.

            A decent boldness ever meets with friends, Succeeds,
            and e'en a stranger recommends.       --Pope.

   3. To commit; to give in charge; to commend.

            Paul chose Silas and departed, being recommended by
            the brethren unto the grace of God.   --Acts xv. 40.
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