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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Regarding \Re*gard"ing\, prep.
   Concerning; respecting.

Regard \Re*gard"\ (r?*g?rd"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Regarded}; p.
   pr. & vb. n. {Regarding}.] [F. regarder; pref. re- re +
   garder to guard, heed, keep. See {Guard}, and cf. {Reward}.]
   1. To keep in view; to behold; to look at; to view; to gaze

            Your niece regards me with an eye of favor. --Shak.

   2. Hence, to look or front toward; to face. [Obs.]

            It is peninsula which regardeth the mainland.

            That exceedingly beatiful seat, on the ass?ent of a
            hill, flanked with wood and regarding the river.

   3. To look closely at; to observe attentively; to pay
      attention to; to notice or remark particularly.

            If much you note him, You offened him; . . . feed,
            and regard him not.                   --Shak.

   4. To look upon, as in a certain relation; to hold as an
      popinion; to consider; as, to regard abstinence from wine
      as a duty; to regard another as a friend or enemy.

   5. To consider and treat; to have a certain feeling toward;
      as, to regard one with favor or dislike.

            His associates seem to have regarded him with
            kindness.                             --Macaulay.

   6. To pay respect to; to treat as something of peculiar
      value, sanctity, or the like; to care for; to esteem.

            He that regardeth thae day, regardeth it into the
            LOrd.                                 --Rom. xiv. 6.

            Here's Beaufort, that regards nor God nor king.

   7. To take into consideration; to take account of, as a fact
      or condition. ``Nether regarding that she is my child, nor
      fearing me as if II were her father.'' --Shak.

   8. To have relation to, as bearing upon; to respect; to
      relate to; to touch; as, an argument does not regard the
      question; -- often used impersonally; as, I agree with you
      as regards this or that.

   Syn: To consider; observe; remark; heed; mind; respect;
        esteem; estimate; value. See {Attend}.
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