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Repeating circle

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Repeating \Re*peat"ing\, a.
   Doing the same thing over again; accomplishing a given result
   many times in succession; as, a repeating firearm; a
   repeating watch.

   {Repeating circle}. See the Note under {Circle}, n., 3.

   {Repeating decimal} (Arith.), a circulating decimal. See
      under {Decimal}.

   {Repeating firearm}, a firearm that may be discharged many
      times in quick succession; especially:
   (a) A form of firearm so constructed that by the action of
       the mechanism the charges are successively introduced
       from a chamber containing them into the breech of the
       barrel, and fired.
   (b) A form in which the charges are held in, and discharged
       from, a revolving chamber at the breech of the barrel.
       See {Revolver}, and {Magazine gun}, under {Magazine}.
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