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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Repercussive \Re`per*cuss"ive\, n.
   A repellent. [Obs.] --Bacon.

Repercussive \Re`per*cuss"ive\ (-k?s"?v), a. [Cf. F.
   1. Tending or able to repercuss; having the power of sending
      back; causing to reverberate.

            Ye repercussive rocks! repeat the sound. --W.

   2. Repellent. [Obs.] ``Blood is stanched by astringent and
      repercussive medicines.'' --Bacon.

   3. Driven back; rebounding; reverberated. ``Rages loud the
      repercussive roar.'' --Thomson.
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