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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Reply \Re*ply"\, n.; pl. {Replies} (-pl?z"). [See {Reply}, v.
   i., and cf. {Replica}.]
   That which is said, written, or done in answer to what is
   said, written, or done by another; an answer; a response.

   Syn: Answer; rejoinder; response.

   Usage: {Reply}, {Rejoinder}, {Answer}. A reply is a distinct
          response to a formal question or attack in speech or
          writing. A rejoinder is a second reply (a reply to a
          reply) in a protracted discussion or controversy. The
          word answer is used in two senses, namely (1), in the
          most general sense of a mere response; as, the answer
          to a question; or (2), in the sense of a decisive and
          satisfactory confutation of an adversary's argument,
          as when we speak of a triumphant answer to the speech
          or accusations of an opponent. Here the noun
          corresponds to a frequent use of the verb, as when we
          say. ``This will answer (i.e., fully meet) the end in
          view;'' ``It answers the purpose.''
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