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Representative at large

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Large \Large\, a. [Compar. {Larger}; superl. {Largest}.] [F.,
   fr. L. largus. Cf. {Largo}.]
   1. Exceeding most other things of like kind in bulk,
      capacity, quantity, superficial dimensions, or number of
      constituent units; big; great; capacious; extensive; --
      opposed to {small}; as, a large horse; a large house or
      room; a large lake or pool; a large jug or spoon; a large
      vineyard; a large army; a large city.

   Note: For linear dimensions, and mere extent, great, and not
         large, is used as a qualifying word; as, great length,
         breadth, depth; a great distance; a great height.

   2. Abundant; ample; as, a large supply of provisions.

            We hare yet large day.                --Milton.

   3. Full in statement; diffuse; full; profuse.

            I might be very large upon the importance and
            advantages of education.              -- Felton.

   4. Having more than usual power or capacity; having broad
      sympathies and generous impulses; comprehensive; -- said
      of the mind and heart.

   5. Free; unembarrassed. [Obs.]

            Of burdens all he set the Paynims large. --Fairfax.

   6. Unrestrained by decorum; -- said of language. [Obs.]
      ``Some large jests he will make.'' --Shak.

   7. Prodigal in expending; lavish. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

   8. (Naut.) Crossing the line of a ship's course in a
      favorable direction; -- said of the wind when it is abeam,
      or between the beam and the quarter.

   {At large}.
      (a) Without restraint or confinement; as, to go at large;
          to be left at large.
      (b) Diffusely; fully; in the full extent; as, to discourse
          on a subject at large.

   {Common at large}. See under {Common}, n.

   {Electors at large}, {Representative at large}, electors, or
      a representative, as in Congress, chosen to represent the
      whole of a State, in distinction from those chosen to
      represent particular districts in a State. [U. S.]

   {To give, go, run, or sail large} (Naut.), to have the wind
      crossing the direction of a vessel's course in such a way
      that the sails feel its full force, and the vessel gains
      its highest speed. See {Large}, a., 8.

   Syn: Big; bulky; huge; capacious; comprehensive; ample;
        abundant; plentiful; populous; copious; diffusive;
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