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Scotch nightingale

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Scotch \Scotch\, a. [Cf. {Scottish}.]
   Of or pertaining to Scotland, its language, or its
   inhabitants; Scottish.

   {Scotch broom} (Bot.), the {Cytisus scoparius}. See {Broom}.

   {Scotch dipper}, or {Scotch duck} (Zo["o]l.), the bufflehead;
      -- called also {Scotch teal}, and {Scotchman}.

   {Scotch fiddle}, the itch. [Low] --Sir W. Scott.

   {Scotch mist}, a coarse, dense mist, like fine rain.

   {Scotch nightingale} (Zo["o]l.), the sedge warbler. [Prov.

   {Scotch pebble}. See under {pebble}.

   {Scotch pine} (Bot.) See {Riga fir}.

   {Scotch thistle} (Bot.), a species of thistle ({Onopordon
      acanthium}); -- so called from its being the national
      emblem of the Scotch.

Sedge \Sedge\, n. [OE. segge, AS. secg; akin to LG. segge; --
   probably named from its bladelike appearance, and akin to L.
   secare to cut, E. saw a cutting instrument; cf. Ir. seisg, W.
   hesg. Cf. {Hassock}, {Saw} the instrument.]
   1. (Bot.) Any plant of the genus {Carex}, perennial,
      endogenous herbs, often growing in dense tufts in marshy
      places. They have triangular jointless stems, a spiked
      inflorescence, and long grasslike leaves which are usually
      rough on the margins and midrib. There are several hundred

   Note: The name is sometimes given to any other plant of the
         order {Cyperace[ae]}, which includes {Carex},
         {Cyperus}, {Scirpus}, and many other genera of rushlike

   2. (Zo["o]l.) A flock of herons.

   {Sedge ken} (Zo["o]l.), the clapper rail. See under 5th

   {Sedge warbler} (Zo["o]l.), a small European singing bird
      ({Acrocephalus phragmitis}). It often builds its nest
      among reeds; -- called also {sedge bird}, {sedge wren},
      {night warbler}, and {Scotch nightingale}.
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