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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Scripture \Scrip"ture\ (?; 135), n. [L. scriptura, fr. scribere,
   scriptum, to write: cf. OF. escripture, escriture, F.
   ['e]criture. See {Scribe}.]
   1. Anything written; a writing; a document; an inscription.

            I have put it in scripture and in remembrance.

            Then the Lord of Manny read the scripture on the
            tomb, the which was in Latin.         --Ld. Berners.

   2. The books of the Old and the new Testament, or of either
      of them; the Bible; -- used by way of eminence or
      distinction, and chiefly in the plural.

            There is not any action a man ought to do, or to
            forbear, but the Scripture will give him a clear
            precept or prohibition for it.        --South.

            Compared with the knowledge which the Scripteres
            contain, every other subject of human inquiry is
            vanity.                               --Buckminster.

   3. A passage from the Bible;; a text.

            The devil can eite Scripture for his purpose.

            Hanging by the twined thread of one doubtful
            Scripture.                            --Milton.

Source : WordNet®

     n 1: the sacred writings of the Christian religions; "he went to
          carry the Word to the heathen" [syn: {Bible}, {Christian
          Bible}, {Book}, {Good Book}, {Holy Scripture}, {Holy
          Writ}, {Word of God}, {Word}]
     2: any writing that is regarded as sacred by a religious group
        [syn: {sacred scripture}]
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