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Starch cellulose

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Cellulose \Cel"lu*lose`\, n. (Chem.)
   The substance which constitutes the essential part of the
   solid framework of plants, of ordinary wood, linen, paper,
   etc. It is also found to a slight extent in certain animals,
   as the tunicates. It is a carbohydrate, {(C6H10O5)n},
   isomeric with starch, and is convertible into starches and
   sugars by the action of heat and acids. When pure, it is a
   white amorphous mass. See {Starch}, {Granulose}, {Lignin}.

         Unsized, well bleached linen paper is merely pure
         cellulose.                               --Goodale.

   {Starch cellulose}, the delicate framework which remains when
      the soluble part (granulose) of starch is removed by
      saliva or pepsin. --Goodale.
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