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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stark \Stark\, a. [Compar. {Starker}; superl. {Starkest}.] [OE.
   stark stiff, strong, AS. stearc; akin to OS. starc strong, D.
   sterk, OHG. starc, starah, G. & Sw. stark, Dan. st[ae]rk,
   Icel. sterkr, Goth. gasta['u]rknan to become dried up, Lith.
   str["e]gti to stiffen, to freeze. Cf. {Starch}, a. & n.]
   1. Stiff; rigid. --Chaucer.

            Whose senses all were straight benumbed and stark.

            His heart gan wax as stark as marble stone.

            Many a nobleman lies stark and stiff Under the hoofs
            of vaunting enemies.                  --Shak.

            The north is not so stark and cold.   --B. Jonson.

   2. Complete; absolute; full; perfect; entire. [Obs.]

            Consider the stark security The common wealth is in
            now.                                  --B. Jonson.

   3. Strong; vigorous; powerful.

            A stark, moss-trooping Scot.          --Sir W.

            Stark beer, boy, stout and strong beer. --Beau. &

   4. Severe; violent; fierce. [Obs.] ``In starke stours.'' [i.
      e., in fierce combats]. --Chaucer.

   5. Mere; sheer; gross; entire; downright.

            He pronounces the citation stark nonsense.

            Rhetoric is very good or stark naught; there's no
            medium in rhetoric.                   --Selden.
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