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Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Statuary \Stat"u*a*ry\, n.; pl. {Statuaries}. [L. statuarius,
   n., fr. statuarius, a., of or belonging to statues, fr.
   statua statue: cf. F. statuaire. See {Statue}.]
   1. One who practices the art of making statues.

            On other occasions the statuaries took their
            subjects from the poets.              --Addison.

   2. [L. statuaria (sc. ars): cf. F. statuaire.] The art of
      carving statues or images as representatives of real
      persons or things; a branch of sculpture. --Sir W. Temple.

   3. A collection of statues; statues, collectively.
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