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Steller's sea cow

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Rytina \Ryt"i*na\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. "ryti`s a wrinkle.]
   A genus of large edentulous sirenians, allied to the dugong
   and manatee, including but one species ({R. Stelleri}); --
   called also {Steller's sea cow}. [Written also {Rhytina}.]

   Note: It is now extinct, but was formerly abundant at
         Behring's Island, near Behring's Straits. It was
         twenty-five feet or more in length, with a thick,
         blackish, naked skin. The last were killed in 1768 for
         their oil and flesh.

Source : WordNet®

Steller's sea cow
     n : extinct large sirenian mammal formerly found near Asiatic
         coast of the Bering Sea [syn: {Hydrodamalis gigas}]
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