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Stillingia sebifera

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Tallow \Tal"low\, n. [OE. taluh, talugh; akin to OD. talgh, D.
   talk, G., Dan. and Sw. talg, Icel. t[=o]lgr, t[=o]lg,
   t[=o]lk; and perhaps to Goth. tulgus firm.]
   1. The suet or fat of animals of the sheep and ox kinds,
      separated from membranous and fibrous matter by melting.

   Note: The solid consistency of tallow is due to the large
         amount of stearin it contains. See {Fat}.

   2. The fat of some other animals, or the fat obtained from
      certain plants, or from other sources, resembling the fat
      of animals of the sheep and ox kinds.

   {Tallow candle}, a candle made of tallow.

   {Tallow catch}, a keech. See {Keech}. [Obs.]

   {Tallow chandler}, one whose occupation is to make, or to
      sell, tallow candles.

   {Tallow chandlery}, the trade of a tallow chandler; also, the
      place where his business is carried on.

   {Tallow tree} (Bot.), a tree ({Stillingia sebifera}) growing
      in China, the seeds of which are covered with a substance
      which resembles tallow and is applied to the same
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