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Sting winkle

Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Winkle \Win"kle\, n. [AS. wincle.] (Zo["o]l.)
   (a) Any periwinkle. --Holland.
   (b) Any one of various marine spiral gastropods, esp., in the
       United States, either of two species of {Fulgar} ({F.
       canaliculata}, and {F. carica}).

   Note: These are large mollusks which often destroy large
         numbers of oysters by drilling their shells and sucking
         their blood.

   {Sting winkle}, a European spinose marine shell ({Murex
      erinaceus}). See Illust. of {Murex}.

Sting \Sting\, n. [AS. sting a sting. See {Sting}, v. t.]
   1. (Zo["o]l.) Any sharp organ of offense and defense,
      especially when connected with a poison gland, and adapted
      to inflict a wound by piercing; as the caudal sting of a
      scorpion. The sting of a bee or wasp is a modified
      ovipositor. The caudal sting, or spine, of a sting ray is
      a modified dorsal fin ray. The term is sometimes applied
      to the fang of a serpent. See Illust. of {Scorpion}.

   2. (Bot.) A sharp-pointed hollow hair seated on a gland which
      secrets an acrid fluid, as in nettles. The points of these
      hairs usually break off in the wound, and the acrid fluid
      is pressed into it.

   3. Anything that gives acute pain, bodily or mental; as, the
      stings of remorse; the stings of reproach.

            The sting of death is sin.            --1 Cor. xv.

   4. The thrust of a sting into the flesh; the act of stinging;
      a wound inflicted by stinging. ``The lurking serpent's
      mortal sting.'' --Shak.

   5. A goad; incitement. --Shak.

   6. The point of an epigram or other sarcastic saying.

   {Sting moth} (Zo["o]l.), an Australian moth ({Doratifera
      vulnerans}) whose larva is armed, at each end of the body,
      with four tubercles bearing powerful stinging organs.

   {Sting ray}. (Zo["o]l.) See under 6th {Ray}.

   {Sting winkle} (Zo["o]l.), a spinose marine univalve shell of
      the genus Murex, as the European species ({Murex
      erinaceus}). See Illust. of {Murex}.
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